What We Believe

We believe in a loving God who cares for all of us and all of creation. And so we include, honor and welcome all people, all races, all faith traditions, all gender identities, those who love the church and those who have been hurt by it, folks baptized and unbaptized: ALL.

We believe that we find our way to God, not by any works on our part, but by faith alone, through God’s grace.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the revelation of God’s love for the world.

We believe that the Holy Spirit, the embodiment of God’s love and Christ’s healing power, moves among us always.

Presbyterian Beliefs

Presbyterians form a “big tent” denomination, where there is room for a variety of views, beliefs and ways to understand God.  We believe that “God alone is Lord of the conscience…” and so we have no church hierarchy that dictates our beliefs. We believe that Christ calls us together to live in community, the Church, of which Christ is the head and we as members are the body.

The Bible is our primary source of authority, and we look to our creeds and confessions for further guidance. Yet it is not in them that we believe, but in the God to whom they attest.  And so we honor other ways in which we come to know God, including human reason and experience.

Our Staff

  • Dr. Jon Roller


    Hi Friends, I’m the pastor of Woven Church and now, Beaumont Presbyterian Church. Being a pastor is my third career, but the one I have loved the most. My first two careers were as an orchestra conductor and as a worship arts professor, though I also was a part-time Youth Pastor for a year and a part-times Music Pastor for 13 years. Being a pastor lets me do what I love most—love and care for people. I’m married to a wonderful math professor, Towanna, and have two grown, amazing daughters, Michelle and Kristyn.

    I love travel (I’m at 54 countries and counting!), art, and watching UK basketball and football. My favorite food is Orange Kwachic, grilled salmon, or Kashi cereal—depending on the day.

  • Dr. Wayne Gebb

    Minister of Music

    Dr. Wayne W. Gebb joined the staff at Beaumont as Minister of Music in 2007, after more than 30 years in music ministry at churches in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Kentucky. He was a long-time faculty member at Midway College and has taught classes at the University of Kentucky. Wayne holds degrees in vocal and choral music from Westminster Choir College and Eastern Kentucky University. In 2008, he received the Doctor of Musical Arts degree in voice from the University of Kentucky, where he was a student of Stephen King.

    His conducting repertoire includes major works by such composers as Bach, Handel, Schutz, Haydn, Mozart, Rheinberger, Holst, and Distler. He has made numerous appearances in recital, specializing in 19th and 20th Century English song. Wayne’s operatic appearances include such baritone roles as Count Almaviva in Mozart’s The Marriage of Figaro and Enrico in Lucia di Lammermoor. In concert he has performed as soloist for numerous works, including Handel’s Messiah, the St. John Passion of Bach and Hodie by Vaughan Williams.

    Wayne is married to Billie Anne Gebb, director of Library Services for the Frontier Nursing University. They have three children, big sister Marianne and identical twins Charlie and Joey.

  • Logan Kidwell

    Woven Director

    Hello, I was born in Loogootee, IN which is pronounced (/ləˈɡoʊtiː/). Have fun trying to say that one unless you were born and raised in this tiny population of 2,601. If you have spent any time with me, you know that I am an information junkie. I always have in my headphones listening to a podcast or audio book. I am obsessed with politics, tv show rewatch podcasts, movie reviews, or any kind of podcast that helps with personal growth or development. I also spend a lot of my free time watching movies and tv shows. Please send me any recommendations and I will gladly check them out. I currently reside in Nicholasville, KY with my best friend Andrew Lemons. I am a dog uncle to two pomapoos named Aurora and Eri who I spoil every time I see them. In addition to being the Staff Director for Woven, I am serving on the 2026 class of elders for Beaumont.

  • Daniel Grace

    Church Administrator/Office Manager

    Hello beautiful people! I am a semi recent college graduate (Surrendered ’23, of Asbury University), where I studied Worship Arts, Music, and Art & Design. I am an artist through and through, one of my greatest passions is making the world around me prettier, or more aesthetically pleasing. I love listening to good music, having philosophical-ish conversations with friends about all kinds of things, and cooking good food, more specifically Slavic dishes. So, if you have any artist recommendations, thought exercises, or good recipes you’d like to share or talk with someone about, I am your person! I am also an animal lover and would love to see your fur babies and show you mine! (She’s a cat I named Butter and I love her so much!)

  • Robyn Jenkins

    Nursery Attendant

    Robin Jenkins has been the regular nursery attendant at Beaumont Presbyterian since 2010. We are blessed to have such a faithful, loving person in the nursery with our littlest members and youngest visitors. Robin’s consistent presence eases the most anxious infant or toddler! She loves reading books with our children—her talents for singing and playing with children make sense when you find out that she received her B.A. in Theater from the University of Kentucky then worked 10 years in pre-school and private childcare, earned her M.A. in Special Education from Eastern Kentucky University, and taught in the public schools for 10 years. Robin also led story time at Barnes and Nobles for many years! Robin is accompanied by a second volunteer person (the second volunteer position rotates) on Sunday mornings during Sunday School and Worship, as well as for special events such as church meetings and potlucks.

  • Morgan

    Nursery Attendant

    We are so pleased that Morgan has joined our Nursery Care Team. Morgan grew up in Lexington and attended Provision High School. Morgan is a very busy young person. In addition to working at the Wee Care Day Care Center, they are also a student at Asbury studying Elementary Education and Spanish. Morgan is also a cat lover and has 2 cats, Maggy and Luna.